Tag: Robert de Niro

Cape Fear

Here are two very different posters for both versions of Cape Fear, 30 years apart. The first is a Belgian poster for the Gregory Peck/Robert Mitchum 1962 version. Cape Fear is a taut noir-style thriller about an upright lawyer tormented by a recently paroled psycho he helped put in jail. The French title “les nerfs…

Once Upon A Time In America

This is a still from one of the most epic gangster movies ever made. Once Upon A Time In America was the final film by the Italian maestro Sergio Leone, who had made the Dollars trilogy with Clint Eastwood, plus the equally epic Once Upon A Time In The West. I saw …America when I…

The Deer Hunter

I’ve posted elsewhere about lousy films that were promoted with great posters. This is the other way around – great film, really awful (IMHO) poster! This is the UK quad original release poster. I’m not a huge fan of photographic posters in any case, but what really bugs me about this poster is that the…