Month: November 2023


“Duh duh duh duh duh….Batman!”  As a kid, I used to love watching the Adam West 1960s TV series. I was a superhero comic book fan, and this was the first – indeed only – onscreen superhero. No matter that the Zap! Wham! Kapow! titles were unbelievably cheesy and the villains incredibly silly – it…

The Enforcer (2)

I’ve already posted about the Humphrey Bogart film of the same name, but this Enforcer was the third in Clint Eastwood’s Dirty Harry series. It’s an ok movie, but not a patch on either the original or the first sequel Magnum Force. This was the point at which the Harry movies started to become formulaic…

A Day At The Races / Go West

I’ve not seen any Marx Brothers movies in years, but I used to love them when they came on TV. Above is a Spanish herald for arguably their best and most famous movie, A Day At The Races. This was the even more successful follow-up to their hit A Night At The Opera, and featured…

Black Sabbath

I’ve never seen Mario Bava’s 1963 Black Sabbath, save for a YouTube clip of the bizarre end sequence – in which Boris Karloff rides off on a horse through the trees, only for the camera to pull back and reveal him to be on a prop horse in the studio, with the ‘trees’ created by…