Month: January 2023

The Cotton Club

Here’s a shout-out for Francis Ford Coppola’s OTHER great gangster movie, 1984’s Harlem-set The Cotton Club.  Coppola took the job because he needed the money, having bankrupted himself making One From The Heart. Its production was an expensive shambles, spread over 5 years, it lost a ton of money, and one of its financial backers…

Film Review

Film Review (originally ABC Film Review) was a UK movie magazine that I used to buy when visiting my local cinema in the 70s. It ran from 1950 to 2008, ultimately billing itself as “Britain’s longest-running film magazine.”  Because it was tied in to the cinemas themselves, it was not the place to come to…

The Great Escape

The Great Escape used to be on British TV pretty much EVERY Christmas afternoon. That’s how I remember it. The film is a heavily fictionalised account of a real mass escape from a POW camp.  It’s undoubtedly one of the all-time classic war movies. Rarely if ever has such a fantastic cast been assembled, and…


Its not very fashionable to plug Woody Allen these days, for entirely understandable reasons. (Quite apart from most of his recent efforts being awful).  But its worth remembering back in the day he did deliver a number of classics, not least 1979’s Manhattan. Its a romantic comedy, but also a love letter to Allen’s beloved…