Category: Movie magazine

Monsters Of The Movies 

Monsters Of The Movies was one of a number of horror fanzine style magazines published during the 70s.  It was in the style of the more venerable and more….err… famous Famous Monsters of Filmland, but geared to a slightly older audience. I don’t know if it lasted for many issues as these are the only…

Shout At The Devil

Shout At The Devil is a 1976  action adventure movie set in East Africa at the time of the First World War. It was the second movie in two years directed by Peter Hunt and starring Roger Moore (after Gold). Lee Marvin co-stars as his hard-drinking (naturally) father in-law.  I remember going to see this…

Space 1999

This is a bit of a detour from the movies: Space 1999 was a UK-produced TV series that ran from 1975-77. The series was created by Gerry Anderson, of Thunderbirds fame, and it used similar special effects techniques to create fantastic miniatures of moon bases and spacecraft. That is what I remember being good about…


Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo has been ranked in recent polls of film critics as the greatest movie of all time. I have to respectfully disagree with that. Its not even my favourite Hitchcock film – not by a long shot!  I must admit I find it very slow and boring, which is one of the reasons…

Picturegoer Film Weekly

I have no idea how this vintage movie magazine came to be in my possession. Picturegoer was a UK movie magazine which ran from 1911 to 1960, mostly as a weekly publication. It was sold at cinemas and regularly featured some of the biggest stars of the era. At its peak in the 1940s, it…

Film Review

Film Review (originally ABC Film Review) was a UK movie magazine that I used to buy when visiting my local cinema in the 70s. It ran from 1950 to 2008, ultimately billing itself as “Britain’s longest-running film magazine.”  Because it was tied in to the cinemas themselves, it was not the place to come to…

Castle Of Frankenstein

Here some copies of a vintage American horror magazine that I picked up recently very cheaply in France, of all places. Castle Of Frankenstein ran for 25 issues between 1962 and 1975. It was at the time the only nationally distributed magazine which covered B-movies seriously, in addition to both classic and current horror movies….

Film Review / Photoplay

I used to collect both of these UK movie magazines back in the 70s. I may be wrong, but my vague recollection is these were for sale both in newsagents and in cinema lobbies. In the pre-internet days, these were the best way of keeping track of upcoming releases and figuring out which movies I…

The House Of Hammer

This was one of my favourite magazines back in the 1970s. The House of Hammer was a UK magazine, which originally ran from 1976 to 1978. It went through a few name changes along the way, becoming Hammer’s House of Horror, then Hammer’s Halls of Horror. Its unique selling point was that it featured black…

One Million Years BC

One Million Years BC is one of the better-loved non-horror movies that Hammer Films produced in the 60s, and with good reason. It has two main selling points: Ray Harryhausen’s fabulous stop-motion dinosaurs (state-of-the-art in the days before CGI), and Raquel Welch in a fur bikini!  In the light of those, who cares that the…