Tag: Gregory Peck

Spanish heralds (ii)

I wrote previously about my recent discovery of Spanish heralds. Here’s 3 more recently acquired fun items from the 50s, these all with a loose nautical theme.  Take your pick from Gregory Peck in Captain Horatio Hornblower, Rock Hudson in Sea Devils or the one and only Esther Williams in Million Dollar Mermaid. I don’t…

The Guns Of Navarone

The Guns Of Navarone is one of the most famous and influential “men on a mission’ war movies. As a sub-genre, it covers movies such as The Dam Busters, The Dirty Dozen, Where Eagles Dare (my personal favourite) and Inglorious Bastards. The set-up is usually: a mis-matched small group of soldiers are given a virtually…

Cape Fear

Here are two very different posters for both versions of Cape Fear, 30 years apart. The first is a Belgian poster for the Gregory Peck/Robert Mitchum 1962 version. Cape Fear is a taut noir-style thriller about an upright lawyer tormented by a recently paroled psycho he helped put in jail. The French title “les nerfs…