Tag: Oliver Reed

Valentino / Women In Love

Here are a pair of French ‘grande’ posters for two Ken Russell movies. Flamboyant British ‘enfant terrible’ Russell made a wide range of ‘extreme’ censor and critic baiting movies – from The Devils to Whore. His movies tend to be love them or hate them affairs, and he made a number of undeniable stinkers in…

La nuit du loup-garou

I thought I was done with buying movie posters, but this one I just could not resist. This is a French ‘moyenne’ (ie ‘medium size’) poster for the 1961 Hammer film The Curse of the Werewolf. I have already blogged about my Belgian poster for the same film here, which has now been supplanted as…

The Curse of the Werewolf

This is one of my favourites of the posters I still own.   I remember first seeing this image in an 80s magazine called ‘The House of Hammer’, which featured rather cool black and white comic strip versions of the classic Hammer films.  These were really well illustrated and I have still got what I…