Category: Movie magazine

Vampire Circus

Sometimes there are movies whose title and concept far exceeds the execution. Vampire Circus IMHO is one. Now, admittedly some horror fans love this movie, and it is a great title, but if you have seen the movie you will know it is cheaply made and poorly acted, like much of Hammer’s 1970s output. Sadly,…

Paris Hollywood

These mementoes of a bygone era evoke a classic touch of old-style Hollywood glamour. Paris Hollywood was a French glamour magazine that ran from 1947 to 1974. In its early incarnation, it featured Hollywood stars of the day on the covers, plus various pin-ups and the occasional tasteful nude shot inside. Within a few years…

1970s poster magazines

These poster magazines became quite a thing for movie buffs in the UK in the 70s. I have already posted on my collection of Monster Mag, which folded out to reveal a huge, and usually gory, movie still. Not to be outdone, these rival themed horror poster mags promised ‘two giant posters inside.” In its…


Here are some ultra-rare items of movie memorabilia sure to pre-date all of us. Memorabilia from the silent movie era is understandably incredibly hard to find and – in the case of posters at least – hugely expensive. So I was very pleased to come across recently a haul of 50 copies of the fascinating…