Sometimes there are movies whose title and concept far exceeds the execution. Vampire Circus IMHO is one.

Now, admittedly some horror fans love this movie, and it is a great title, but if you have seen the movie you will know it is cheaply made and poorly acted, like much of Hammer’s 1970s output. Sadly, there is no Peter Cushing or Christopher Lee to give it some much-needed gravitas. 

Vampire Circus also suffers because the production over-ran its tight allocated schedule,  and rather than increase the budget for additional shooting, the producers simply shut it down and assembled the movie from the footage they had!

This is a French ‘moyenne’ poster, which uses artwork unique to France, and is an interesting mix of photography and illustration. This poster is available to buy here.

I once also owned the fully illustrated UK quad poster, which is very different. I now regret selling this, as it is one of the best latter-day Hammer horror quads. However, at the time I thought I was unlikely to display it again. 

The UK poster is somewhat notorious for having various phallic images hidden in the picture.  The copy above is from the back cover of The House Of Hammer magazine, which also ran a rather good comic strip version of the movie.