Here are a couple of dramatic werewolf transformation stills from two very different movies.

You can see elsewhere on my site that I am rather partial to a good werewolf movie. However, I never particularly liked The Company of Wolves. Director Neil Jordan made some cracking films (including Interview with the Vampire and Mona Lisa), but this alternative take on the Little Red Riding Hood myth fell flat for me.

Nonetheless, I picked up this still from my film reviewing days at university and, unusually for a film still, I had this framed and up on my wall for awhile. Most people hated it (“what the hell is that?” was the usual comment) but I kept it up just for sheer weirdness value. My wife then took one look at it and it now sits safely out of sight at the bottom of a drawer!

An American Werewolf in London, on the other hand, I always thought was a terrific movie. It is notoriously hard to effectively combine horror and humour, but director John Landis managed to pull it off, delivering a movie that was both scary and funny. The film is also famous for the amazing practical transformation effects by make-up wizard Rick Baker (this all done what seems like an eternity ago in the pre-CGI days).  This still is of actor David Naughton mid-way to going full furry of a full moon. I have more cool original stills from this movie which I will post in due course.