Tag: UK quad movie poster

The Deer Hunter

I’ve posted elsewhere about lousy films that were promoted with great posters. This is the other way around – great film, really awful (IMHO) poster! This is the UK quad original release poster. I’m not a huge fan of photographic posters in any case, but what really bugs me about this poster is that the…

Dance With A Stranger

I have written elsewhere about how I am not normally a fan of photographic posters, but for this one I will make an exception. I really like the bold tinting and the minimalist, dramatic use of black space between the two main characters. I also remember the film (about Ruth Ellis, the last woman to…


This is another poster I thought I had sold at auction and was glad to discover I hadn’t.   Marnie isn’t the greatest Hitchcock by a long way. There’s been a great deal of debate about whether TIppi Hedren’s performance in the title role is deliberately mannered or just plain bad, and there have been…

Room At The Top

I am not sure, but I do not remember ever seeing this film. It is one of the few posters I still own that is not either for a Bond film or a horror movie, and also one of the very few that features a photographic image rather than an illustration, which was quite unusual for…

The Mummy’s Hand

This is the oldest poster I own and, unusually, it is for a movie I have never seen (or at least not that I can remember).    This is a UK quad for one of the original Universal monster movies. The Mummy’s Hand was released in 1940 but I got this poster checked by a valuation…

From Russia With Love

  Sometimes you can’t but end up kicking yourself for what seemed like a good idea at the time.  By 2003 I had amassed a large collection of movie posters, of which I was only able to display a small fraction.  I had also moved for work to Asia and was only able to bring…

Dirty Harry / Magnum Force

This was the first movie poster I ever bought.  I remember it distinctly as I bought it when Pinewood Film Studios had their first (and as far as I know only) open day back in 1977. I persuaded (ok forced) my mum and dad to take me and we spent the day touring the various sound…