I wasn’t at all familiar with Spanish heralds until I bought a small lot recently.

These are basically post-card sized double sided flyers which were cheaply printed and given out to promote upcoming movies. The majority seem to date from the 50s. Considering the volumes in which they must have been produced, its surprising that so few of them seem to have survived. Many of the designs appear to be unique to the heralds and they are super-rare.  

I bought 18 of these, including Gone With The Wind and a pair of Hitchcock titles, most of which I will be reselling. They make for a relatively very cheap way to own an old original piece of movie memorabilia, and are easy to frame and display. Its also nice (I think) that you know from the details on the back side exactly which cinemas were being promoted, and when.

Here are a selection of just a few for movies which all subsequently ended up being remade – Father Of The Bride, Little Women and Heaven Can Wait. These and others can all be found for sale here.