I remember Tobe Hooper’s Lifeforce being a terrible, cheesy movie. I watched it again recently just to make sure. Yup, its dreadful beyond belief. Its a lamentable come-down for the director of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Despite a large budget and some impressive practical effects, it manages the feat of being both batshit crazy and terminally boring.  Much of this is down to some truly atrocious dialogue and uniformly appalling performances from a large cast of mostly British character actors. 

Lifeforce however retains a fanboy-level cult appeal, which may have something to do with the lead female vampire character, who spends the entire movie stark naked. This rare Italian poster takes that and runs with it, adding extra voluptuousness for good measure. The movie here goes by the (much better) title of the source material: Space Vampires. 

So,..terrible movie, but an undeservedly  great poster  – which is for sale here.