Roger Moore made North Sea Hijack immediately after Moonraker, and this poster very knowingly apes the classic “Bond with gun” pose.

This is somewhat ironic, as Moore very much plays against type here – portraying a bearded, eccentric cat-loving anti-terrorism expert, who goes by the name of Rufus Excalibur ffolkes! From memory, I think the character is supposed to be Scottish, but I don’t remember Sir Roger making any more than a cursory attempt at an accent.

Its a curious but quite entertaining movie – the title tells you all you need to know about the plot, which involves Anthony Perkins’ terrorist attacking oil rigs, before ffolkes and his team of expert divers/adventurers save the day. I remember Perkins being dispatched by spear gun and I also seem to remember ffolkes taking a kitten as payment at the end (or maybe I have just been taking too much catnip). The rest is a blur!

Having failed to set the box office alight in the UK it was rather oddly re-titled ffolkes for US audiences (which I doubt would have added anything to its appeal). This UK quad poster though is fun, in a trashy sub-Bond kind of way. It can be found for sale here.