I must admit I have never been a huge fan of movie musicals.  My wife, however, loves them!

The Sound Of Music is her all-time favourite movie. So I was happy recently to be able to pick up this US one-sheet poster from the original first release. (It went into limited release with a view to getting Academy Award nominations, so the first printing only had “The happiest sound in all the world” at the top; subsequent printings replaced this with a snipe about the Oscars it had won. Hence this version is rarer, and more collectible). The poster is a bit weathered, but it has framed up nicely, I think.

I had seen clips from the movie many times, especially the opening helicopter shot of Julie Andrews singing the title song in the mountains. However, it is only recently that my wife twisted my arm to make me sit through The Sound of Music in its entirety. (She has seen it dozens of times, and can quote most of the songs!) Once was probably enough for a hard-bitten cynic like me, but It does have so many iconic moments, you just need to lose your scepticism at the door and get swept up by the joy of it. 

We also own this original vinyl soundtrack, which includes a nice photo spread of stills from the film. On cold rainy days, this now goes on heavy rotation. We have subsequently even talked about trying to do a “Sound of Music” holiday tour to Salzburg, which apparently is quite a thing – maybe one day, you never know…!