Here are a pair of original stills for two Humphrey Bogart classics. 

I am not an avid collector of film stills, and I do not pretend to know much about how to authenticate them as originals. These both appealed, however – both in terms of the images, plus I particularly like the text at the bottom, which gives them extra vintage authenticity (I think).

I know I have seen The Roaring Twenties on TV many years ago.  I remember it being a cracking gangster movie,  also featuring James Cagney but I do not have any clear recollection of it. This was the third and last movie that Bogart and Cagney made together, so the still of them both together has a certain poignancy.

I do however distinctly remember how I saw High Sierra. Back in the 80s I lived on an island in Hong Kong that was only reachable by ferry. I lived at the top of a steep hill, which was a jumble of flat-roofed 3 story houses. One day, the guy who lived downstairs came knocking at the door with a proposition – home cinema! The idea was to rent a 16MM movie and projector, stretch a bunch of sheets over the front of our building to make a screen, and invite a group of friends to go watch it from the rooftop of the next building down the hill.  

The movie chosen (you guessed it): High Sierra. My memory of it was that it was a rather stagey and dull movie, but the experience of sitting on a rooftop on a balmy night with a beer in hand, watching the film projected onto my own building, was admittedly rather cool and one that has stayed with me. This was certainly one of the more unique movie-going experiences I have had!