Much as I love horror movies I have never been a fan of the Friday 13th franchise.

The original Friday 13th had one decent jump scare at the end when the (un)dead Jason rears up out of Crystal Lake. I also recall a young Kevin Bacon gets offed with an arrow through his neck. But compared to the original Halloween (which came out around the same time) its a shoddily made, poorly acted effort, which somehow spawned numerous sequels and reboots.

The sequels have largely passed me by, save for the truly awful one where the killer (spoiler alert!) turns out to not be Jason at all but a gone-crazy cop, and Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (which of course a gazillion further sequels later, it wasn’t). I sat through both these movies in the cinema, paying my dues as part of my movie reviewing gig at university, although frankly I could have phoned in the reviews for both of these – you know what you will be getting with a Friday 13th movie! I pretty much hated all of them, up until the one set in space which at least had a certain tongue-in-cheek knowingness about the ludicrousness of the whole enterprise.  

These are a couple of pieces of memorabilia I picked up in return for sitting through this crap – the main image is actually a rather cool design. This is the cover of the press kit, although the same image was used on the poster too. (Some markets appear to have censored out the knife through the eye, however). The still above is of Jason – as ever – about to off some unfortunate no-name actor.