I recently bought this great poster. It is for the German 1966 re-release of this 1955 movie and is, I think, the most striking original Marilyn Monroe movie poster design I have ever seen.

This poster was designed by the German artist Dorothea Fischer-Nosbisch and is reminiscent to some degree of the Andy Warhol Marilyn prints from the same period. I’ve always been a fan of Marilyn Monroe ever since I saw the classic Some Like It Hot, where she basically steals every scene she is in.

I had not seen the Seven Year Itch until recently. It also has a reputation as something of a classic (not least the iconic ‘dress billowing from the subway breeze’ scene.) Marilyn is great in it, but I remember being underwhelmed by the movie, which is very much a product of its time in terms of its attitude towards women. (It is basically about a middle-aged guy contemplating having an affair with his younger sexy neighbour while his wife is away…)

I have had my eye on this poster for awhile, but all original copies available from dealers were priced at a minimum of $500. I then saw it for sale on auction on Catawiki and tracked it, expecting it to go for a similar price. I was surprised to see the last hour of the auction roll around and it still be available at a fraction of that price. I ended up snapping it up in the last few seconds. I had always been wary up to this point of buying posters in online auctions but this one I just could not resist, and I am very happy with this purchase!