Tag: US one sheet poster

The Wild One

Here is a very famous movie who’s cultural impact is remembered much more than the film itself. Before Easy Rider, The Wild One was the original iconic outlaw biker movie. Marlon Brando stars as the leader of a biker gang who terrorise a small American town. It is all very tame stuff by today’s standards…

Live And Let Die/You Only Live Twice

One of these James Bond posters is an original, the other is a reprint. Can you tell which one is which? I bought these 2 posters together from a shop in Singapore, when I was living there. It was very unusual to find any places selling movie posters there, so when I saw these I…

The Two Jakes

This poster is the US one-sheet for the largely forgotten sequel to Chinatown.   Chinatown is one of my all-time favourite movies. It is a fabulous evocation of a place and era, with a terrific twisty storyline, wonderful performances all round and a real sting in the tail. Chinatown wasn’t exactly crying out for a…

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Here’s an original UK quad and a US re-release poster for this Steven Spielberg classic. I still have these, but neither are in the greatest condition, unfortunately.   The UK quad is in the condition I bought it in – some tears and missing paper at the edges, which would be repairable if I were…