Magnum Force was the second (and narrowly second best) of the Dirty Harry movies.

Clint Eastwood is on great form as Harry, this time facing down vigilante motorcycle cops who (spoiler alert) turn out to be led by his own uptight boss (Hal Holbrook). A young David Soul plays one of the cops, pre Starsky and Hutch.

Like the first movie, it poses some interesting questions about the rule of law and the extent of permissible force. (This was before the series descended into catchphrases (“go ahead, make my day”) and glorified in bigger ordnance for Harry to blow away the bad guys.

I’ve previously posted the UK quad and the re-release quad, both of which I sold a while back as I didn’t love the art, Here’s the French moyenne, which is up on my wall. Plus, for good measure, a small selection of a complete set of French lobby cards, which I have for sale here.