I’ve never seen 1958 British crime drama Violent Playground. (Ok, frankly I’d never heard of it either before finding this poster…)

However, that didn’t stop me buying this Spanish one-sheet on a whim. Its a great image, I think, and the film also boasts a fantastic cast: Stanley Baker, Peter Cushing and, in an early role, David McCallum.

Set in Liverpool, the story apparently concerns juvenile delinquency, with McCallum as a gang leader (hence the machine gun in this poster) and Baker as a copper. It owes a debt to similar ‘social conscience’ movies of the era from the US, such as Blackboard Jungle.

I don’t have anywhere to display this poster, however, and am now being rather more ruthless about selling on ones I cannot put up around the house – I would rather they go to another collector than sit forever in a drawer. So this can be found for sale here.