Videodrome is one of my favourite David Cronenberg movies.

This cult classic continues the ‘body horror’ themes from his earlier works (Shivers, Rabid), with a bigger budget and better actors. 

James Woods gives a high octane performance in the lead, and there is a memorable supporting turn from Blondie’s Debbie Harry too. There’s also a good selection of gross-out moments and some highly memorable imagery.  Plus, there are the usual Cronenbergian downright bizarre character names: Brian O’Blivion anybody?

Woods plays the head of a small, sleazy cable TV channel which picks up the nasty and dangerous Videodrome signal, which shows titillating scenes of real life torture. In the latter parts of the movie, the line between reality and hallucination becomes blurred, as Woods is sucked into the weird world of Videodrome, with fatal results.  “Long live the new flesh!”, as they say!

This image is taken from the Spanish distributor sheet. I have it for sale here.